In the arts the overkill of images resulted in highly sophisticated imagery on the one hand and an immensely simplified use of images in popular image consumerism on the other. Gradually the status of images as a whole became blurry and an image skepticism that already took root in the 20th century with the likes of Belgians René Magritte and Marcel Broodthaers came to the foreground. What you see in the image might not be what you expect it to be: ‘Ceci n’est pas une pipe’. Now that we moved on in the 21st century the omnipotence of the image in society has yet increased. We are seduced and distracted, but with distraction and seduction comes misleading and blatant entertainment. What do we expect from images other than the aesthetic satisfaction they might give us?
Where and why did we lose control over our images, artists questioned themselves. From our position as art lovers (first of all), as mediators, educators and curators, we regard visual artists as the spearhead of observation and image awareness. From them we expect an answer.
Through our encounters with artists we noticed that almost all of them were preoccupied with the image and its effect. Our ways of seeing and perceiving and the fading impact of images in the visual arts is every visual artist’s concern.
Visual artists by their profession are acclaimed specialists of images. Or at least they should be. The logic, the nature, the contingency of images, their effect, even their saturation, their redundancy, their complexity and sometimes the illegibility of images are a main concern of contemporary artists. Indeed, images today do not do what they are supposed to do. Anymore.
Therefore many artists we met are tied up in a study of how images are constructed and the response they are able convey. They look for new perspectives on how images could thrive in a world of plenty. Every so-called strong image in the visual arts is overruled by its counterpart in popular mainstream media. Will artists be able to develop strategies in order to inflate the importance and impact of images within the art world?