Everybody can apply at Engarde. Send us a filled out form with some visuals of your work and our curators will examine your work and contact you asap.
If they like what they see they will send you all the necessary info to join Engarde and plan a visit at your studio.
After we receive confirmation concerning our method and contract the curators will visit your studio to examine your work, choose a minimum of three artworks and sign the agreement between you and Engarde.
Once you are part of our team we will launch a marketing campaign for you and all artists that arrived in the same month.
This campaign will include a Facebook & instagram campaign, a Google Search & Display campaign, a mailing campaign and a PR message to our partners.
When your artwork gets sold we will send you an email as confirmation.
After receiving the email you can prepare the item for shipping (see Engarde guidelines) so our art handler can pick it up at the described day.
Once the client receives the artwork we will pay you within 15 days.
Once Engarde sold all your work you can apply for a new campaign ;)
Avenue Louis Lepoutre 29
1050 Brussels