2019:Master Fine Arts, Painting PXL-MAD School of Arts Hasselt,
2019—2021: Master Apprentice The Bruges Art_Institute, Atelier Jan De Cock
As Roel’s art practice is an ongoing process where he learns to construct meaning by adding carefully selected elements. By using the classical technique of painting, he directly appeals to the history of this medium.
For Engarde: Roel did research on the great Belgian artist Constantin Meunier and based a series called “De Zaaier” on him. After sketching Meunier’s original works in museums or sculpture parks he transformed his own pencil drawings into paintings. As these graphic line drawings, combined with landscape sketches, contain lots of blank spaces Roel has to search for colour and form. As he “sculpts with paint” the image develops by the action of painting. By copying the visual elements of the original statue, Roel also directly copies the ideas of Meunier, the concepts of these works as well as the time period in which it is made. Thus, Roel lets “De Zaaier” survive. By showing these “dated” originals he shines new light on the relevance of these artworks in today’s society.